
COPDVD: Automated classification of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on a new collected and evaluated voice dataset

Abstract Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a severe condition affectingmillions worldwide, leading to numerous annual deaths. The absence of significant symptomsin its early stages promotes high underdiagnosis rates for the affected people. Besidespulmonary function failure, another harmful problem of COPD is the systemic effects,e.g., heart failure or voice distortion. However, the systemic effects […]

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Personaldagar 2024 på Kosta Art Hotel!

Stort tack till alla som deltog i TIHApersonaldagar. Det är glädjande att så många kunde vara med och bidra till givande diskussioner och gemensamma aktiviteter. Dagarna fylldes med värdefulla presentationer, föreläsningar, arbetsmiljöarbete och inte minst trevlig samvaro. Vi ser fram emot att bygga vidare på den gemenskap och kunskap vi har skapat tillsammans. Tack för […]

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Oral Health and Cognitive Function Research Presented at ICBCB 2024

In an outstanding display of innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration, Ph.D. students Alper Idrisoglu and Johan Flyborg presented their impressive study at the International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (ICBCB) 2024 in Tokyo. Their study, “Oral Health Parameter-Based Mini-Mental State Examination (Score) Indication Using Machine Learning,” has not only showcased the prowess of our institution […]

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ELLIIT Annual Workshop 2024

Alper has participated in the ELLIIT Annual Workshop with a poster presentation. The workshop was hosted by Lund University on March 7-8 and the workshop encompassed a breadth of stimulating topics spanning multiple disciplines. Alper’s poster elicited substantial interest, sparking extensive inquiries and discussions from attendees.

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Symposium: Voice and speech research in medicine (Tıpta ses ve konuşma araştırmaları sempozyumu)

Alper was honored with an invitation to participate in a symposium centered on the exploration of voice and speech research within the medical domain, hosted at Gazi University’s Faculty of Medicine in Ankara, Türkiye, on March 06, 2024. The symposium served as a platform for the dissemination of findings from a comprehensive systematic literature review […]

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Besök från Aktiva Seniorer

Den 29 februari på eftermiddagen hade vi Aktiva seniorer på besök.  Aktiva Seniorer är en riksorganisation med föreningar över hela Sverige, och verkar ideellt för att främja medlemmarnas kulturella och sociala intressen och vill stimulera till fortsatt aktivitet. Vi arrangerade en föreläsning som Docent Martin Boldt hade om AI.  Efter föreläsningen gick vi vidare till […]

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Applied Health Technology Research Conference at Scandic Karlskrona, December 11th, 2023

The Applied Health Technology Research Conference at Blekinge Institute of Technology was a vibrant convergence of minds at Scandic Karlskrona on December 11th, 2023. Researchers and professionals immersed themselves in the latest breakthroughs at the intersection of technology and healthcare. The conference provided a platform for unveiling groundbreaking studies and innovations, ranging from telemedicine solutions […]

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Applied Machine Learning Techniques to Diagnose Voice-Affecting Conditions and Disorders: Systematic Literature Review

Abstract Background:Normal voice production depends on the synchronized cooperation of multiple physiological systems, which makes the voice sensitive to changes. Any systematic, neurological, and aerodigestive distortion is prone to affect voice production through reduced cognitive, pulmonary, and muscular functionality. This sensitivity inspired using voice as a biomarker to examine disorders that affect the voice. Technological […]

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